Can I install a car wrap myself?
YouTube is full of videos showing people wrapping cars. Some of the videos show highly trained professional car wrap installers and others show amateur car wrap installations.
“Is wrapping a car difficult?” is a question we often get asked by our customers when they are looking into getting their vehicle wrapped. The answer is almost always along the lines of “it’s easy when you know how!” which could be the same answer for any trade service around.
A number of factors will affect the quality of a vehicle wrap install and it can’t all be seen on a YouTube video. There are skills that you can see on a video and there is experience that you can’t see on a video.
Experience is the main reason why you should not attempt to install your own car wrap unless you are prepared to invest in learning and have a number of goes at it.
Experience is the only thing that can show you the importance of cleaning the vehicle before you start and the exact way it needs to be cleaned in order for the wrap to stick properly.
Experience is the only way you will learn not to over-stretch the vinyl and cause it to fail prematurely.
Experience is the only thing that will teach you the importance of post-heating the stretched parts of the vinyl to re-memorise it so it wont fail.
And experience is the only way you will learn to trim the edges without damaging the paint or shagging the edge of the vinyl.
If you are really serious about learning how to wrap a car we recommend that you enrol in a vehicle wrap training course such as that offered by Stickittome in order to start building your skills. After that you might start with test wrapping a few parts of your car before committing to the cost of material for the whole vehicle.
We recommend that you leave the car wrapping to the professionals, that way you are sure to get a great job and also if anything goes wrang with it you will be covered by the manufacturer and the installation warranties.
©Tradie Wraps™ 2022